Monday, August 14, 2017

Nazis go home?

In the wake of the recent events in Charlottesville,Va i've seen a number of posts and memes featuring the slogan, "Nazis go home!"....and i wondered, if you're a nazi, who wants you? Where could you call "home"? Certainly nowhere in America where we fought a world war to end nazism. The rest of the world probably wouldn't want you either. Most of the EU has anti-nazi laws. In Germany, Austria, Switzerland, Sweden, The Czech Republic and Slovakia you can be arrested for giving the nazi salute, and in Germany, for simply denying the Holocaust. 

So if we were to round up all the nazis and put them on a boat, where could they go? The answer is likely "nowhere".  If you're a nazi you are welcome nowhere. No country would take people would accept you. 

I think we need to do this in the USA; We need to make it absolutely clear that if you are a nazi, this is not your country. You don't belong here....We don't want you. 
....and i think Donald Trump personally should be making this statement. So far he has refused to do this. Why? Are there now nazis in the White House? We know the alt-right identifies with nazi ideology. Perhaps Trump himself is a nazi sympathizer. Until he makes it perfectly clear that he isn't, we'll just have to assume that might be the case. 

Dictators are always con men in the beginning. At first they need to make it look like they're benevolent in order to gain power. After they're entrenched, their true colours show....But if you look closely you can see a tinge of intolerance and oppression right from the beginning. I think Donald Trump was displaying bits of his plumage during his presidential campaign....and now we're seeing the full spectrum of his true ideology.

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