Sunday, October 23, 2011


 When i think of American heroes, this is something like the image that comes to mind. How brave do you have to be to sit atop thousands of pounds of explosive LOX and Hydrogen and wait for someone to light it off so that you can be blasted into an environment that, outside of your little spacecraft, would kill you in a heartbeat?
On Oct. 22, 1968, the Apollo 7 crew is welcomed aboard the USS Essex, the prime recovery ship for the mission. This was the first Apollo splashdown and, therefore, the first three person 'landing' for NASA.

Friday, October 21, 2011

The Erosion of Progress by Religions

There are now large groups of people in the U.S. who don't "believe" in science...Are we relinquishing our predominance in technology to more progressive and less religious countries?

Monday, October 17, 2011

America, Science, and the President

With the Presidential elections hardly more than a year away i think, we as Americans, have to ask ourselves who we want to lead our country and speak for us. Do we want Evolution and Global Warming deniers? Do we want the scientifically illiterate to control our energy policy, our schools and universities and our research and space exploration?

In a very real sense, this is what we are voting for. We can elect to further our understanding of science and reason...or we can vote for ignorance and superstition.

Listen to what the various candidates on the Right are saying....are these people you would trust with our children's future? Do they sound intelligent? Are they scientifically literate? Have they any understanding of how the world and the universe works?

I submit that  a vote for any Republican or like-minded individual is a step backwards to the Dark Ages.....That superstition, religious fundamentalism and the denial of scientific principals and theories has no place in a 21st. century government.

Lets all get out and VOTE for people who will act rationally and in our best interests. The alternative is an administration based on ignorance and intolerance of "intellectualism".

Saturday, October 15, 2011

The 64th Anniversary of Supersonic Flight!

On October 14, 1947 Chuck Yeager became the fastest man alive when he piloted the Bell X-1, nick-named Glamorous Glennis (for his wife), to Mach 1 in level flight at 45,000 feet.

                                                  General Charles Elwood Yeager

                                                                    Chuck Yeager with the X-1

                                                                                 Bell X-1