Saturday, March 24, 2018

What are we doing?

......So it's the year of the Congressional mid term elections. What have Democrats been doing?

I don't think it's a secret to anyone that if "we" don't reform this Congress, we'll be at the mercy of every racist, homophobe, warmonger and misogynist in the country for at least two (and maybe six) more years. Barring some kind of political miracle where both Donald Trump and Mike Pence are impeached for eating babies, we're in this until we vote our way out. 

So what will that take?
It will take solidarity from Democrats. They'll have to find some common ground and pick candidates that will at least suit most of their basic ideology. So we might not get Medicare for all or a $15 minimum wage this year, but we can build towards that goal. That's what we were doing during the Obama administration...and then Democrats lost Congress in the mid terms. See how that went? Six years of a Progressive President who couldn't accomplish anything except by executive orders which are now being easily overturned with a stroke of Donald Trump's pen.

Look, i understand that some people hayyyyyted Hillary and that Bernie looks like an old white guy, but look at where we are now. Every day more civil rights are lost, more environmental protections are done away with, more social programs are discontinued. Global warming is being denied at the highest levels, religion is becoming law. Racism and intolerance are increasingly being accepted. How much longer can we allow this to go on?

Is it worth it to hang on to the acrimonious, mostly Russian and Republican inspired attitudes that prevailed among Democrats in the last election? DC has been reduced to a festering rat hole of fascists and morons. Shouldn't we get down to throwing the bad guys out of town and worry about the details later?

I'm going to make a plea....

If you're any kind of Progressive, PLEASE get out and vote for whoever it takes to end this. Maybe they won't be your first choice, but it WILL make a major difference in your life and the lives of those you care about. This might be the most important mid term election you will ever vote in......make it count!