Wednesday, February 1, 2017


               Ya know, somehow "I told you so" just doesn't quite say it.... 
      Liberals, having managed to snatch defeat from victory with their bickering and divisiveness, are now fuming in their social media about the results they helped bring to pass. Thanks to the Hillary haters, the Bernie Bashers, the hard core Bernie Bros, and the "both parties are the same" delusionists, we are now ensconced in a full-on Republican fascist theocracy. All that needs be done is a redefinition of the Establishment Clause by the Supreme Court and you'll be living on a 6k year old Earth and religion will be in every classroom and courthouse.
       It should be clear by now, to even the most incredibly obtuse, that the parties are not even remotely "the same" and that a Clinton Presidency would have been far more desirable to the one we are about to experience...yet i continue to see people who refuse to let the Hillary subject die....still fanning the flames of division as the country goes to hell in a handbag. If you want change, this has got to end!
       So what to do now? Impeachment (if it could be accomplished) would only give us President better than Donald Trump, and it's not likely to be an option with this Congress anyway. There will be no recount on the election. Democrats have wimped out on that before (2000) and the time for that has passed. All the rancorous memes and demonstrations in the world won't still the Republican onslaught of executive orders and bills that will now sail easily through the Republican Congress and be rubber stamped by the new POTUS. You can make your Hitler/Holocaust analogies, complain about Trump's pussy grabbing and moan on about Melania and it will have exactly no effect on our current's just preaching to the choir. We can stamp our feet and rant all we want and that won't make this nightmare go away.

      First and foremost we have got to reform Congress. That is now priority #1. We are not going to reign in this administration by overturning the events 2016. We're not going to do it by criticism in social media or by marches on DC alone. We must begin TODAY to prepare for the 2018 midterms. Only this can save America from the disaster of a Trump/Pence led fascist religious theocracy.

            The time for division is over...the stakes are too high for us to lose again....
                                HELP PUT YOUR LOCAL PROGRESSIVE IN CONGRESS!