Thursday, July 26, 2018


I've been asked; Why do i argue against the Trump presidency? What's the point? What good does it do?
The reason why is because this Republican administration is attempting to destroy all we've accomplished over the last hundred years. Workers' rights to collective bargaining, civil rights, women's rights, environmental regulations, public schools, ending unnecessary wars...even science, are under attack by these people. 
There are also ethical reasons to oppose the Trump regime; The lies, the racism and misogyny; The crass disregard for basic humanity.....literally snatching babies and toddlers from families who are seeking asylum. This dystopian government has become the darling of fascists, racists and religious fanatics who want to further disenfranchise minorities and women. 
Look at the organizations who support it; the KKK, American Nazis and the white supremacists of the Alt Right. I know Trump has made some lame efforts to distance himself from these groups, but his actions don't reflect his words. This is a might even say evil, administration which will drag us back to the bad old days of Jim Crow, the robber barons and science denial. They antagonize our adversaries and alienate our allies. They lie and cheat and tell you that what you see with your own eyes isn't true.
What's the point? The point is that people fought, died and were beaten and arrested to achieve the freedoms and the advances we have gained over the last century. This didn't all happen so some fascist oligarchy led by a game show host could undo it with a scribble of his pen. Something needs to be said or this will become the new norm in the USA. Freedom requires participation and participation includes speaking up.
The good it does is that by speaking out, be it in person or on social media, we add our voices to the cause of reason, justice and good social ethics. Staying silent is what Trump and Republicans want you to do. While they spread their lies, hatred and vitriol, they'd like for us to remain quiet. That's why you'll be told over and over to shut up. You'll be cursed out, ridiculed and told that you don't matter. You'll be encouraged not to vote because it makes no difference since "both parties are the same".
....but this isn't what they're doing. Republicans are speaking out in their groups, plotting their next moves and voting in elections even as they tell you not to
     So, keep up the pressure. Hold people accountable for their actions and words and don't back down from criticism and bullying. Equality, reason and social justice in America didn't evolve at the point of a gun.....they came as a result of people speaking out and demanding them.