Sunday, December 18, 2011

Pagans Take Back Christmas

Did i mention that i'm a musician? Well, i am, and being one i play in several bands. My latest collaboration is with a band called "Alchemy". There are, in the band, at least two people who subscribe to "Paganism". Now, i myself, being essentially an Atheist, found this to be interesting (i hate when i use that word) because i have had very little interaction with actual Pagans or Wiccans. I've been subjected to most of the Christian sects at some point..i'm a former Catholic, so i know how that goes and i've read some about Islam and known people of Jewish faith. So i was intrigued when we were booked to play a Solstice celebration  or "Sparkle Ball" as they called it. I wondered what would there be; sacrifices? ritual chanting? Invocation of spirits and deities? Well the answer was sort of all of the above...but in a somewhat more light-hearted manor than i expected. Without documenting the entire event, what transpired was a cleansing of the participants (which involved rinsing and drying the hands upon being welcomed into the building), a "sealing of the circle", meaning essentially a ceremony invoking the protection of gods and spirits at all the compass points and from above and below. Then a ceremony to bless the participants, venue and food and one to welcome back the Sun (bringer of light and hope). Later after food, music (that was us) and dancing there was a belly dancer :), a 50/50 drawing and an auction to benefit a member in need. At the end many gathered in a circle to sing (to the tune of "Gloria in Excelsis Deo") a carol claiming (and rightfully so) that the Yule holidays, Christmas included, had their origin in what would come to be known as Paganism. The chorus went; "Gloria....Chrimas-time is Pagan". I'd have to agree.  This is factually correct, and even refreshing to hear. The origin of the winter Solstice celebration likely dates back to the neolithic and possibly to the paleolithic. It predates all of the religions past and present who later incorporated it into their own celebrations for various reasons.

From what i can tell, Wiccans (or Pagans if you wish) are quite normal people with a belief system that incorporates a respect and concern for the planet, it's flora and fauna and for mankind in general...excluding no one because of religious beliefs, lifestyle or orientation. They seem like nice people to me.

I do, however, maintain my Agnosticism...which comes to me as a result of what i have been able to observe of the natural Universe. I will celebrate Solstice in whichever form it comes....It is a time we can all share as citizens of the planet, no matter what the reason we ascribe to it....Peace.

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