Sunday, November 13, 2011

Republican Circus of the absurd...

I've been seeing bits and pieces of the Republican presidential "debates". I watched some of it last night but had to turn away before i became ill.

This little outtake, i think, demonstrates what the Republicans have to offer. This "man" would do away with education. As if that's not disturbing enough... he then can't even remember which last agency he would dismiss? You have to wonder how Texans could have elected this poor sod to govern them.

The rest offer little more. Their talking points are full of platitudes, generalizations, misinformation and just plain lies. They can't even seem to agree on basic Republican dogma. The one thing they DO agree on is a hatred for President Obama. I suspect that the Republican constituency will vote for anyone, no matter how ignorant or dysfunctional, so long as he/she dislikes progressive black Presidents.

It is a sorry day for America when a large segment of the population will accept these sad excuses for potential leadership.

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