So, why do people vote for someone who they know is a liar and a cheat and who has no talent for governing or intelligence?
Perceived self interest plays a big part. People think they're getting what they want. What they can't seem to grasp is that they've become suckers for the wealthy and irresponsible corporations. Their prejudices, fears and perceived self interest (the idea that something will benefit them, rather than the fact that it will), makes them easy marks for fascists and plutocrats.
Environmental laws are there to protect the air that they breathe, the water they drink, the forests they camp and hunt in and the streams they fish in. Environmentalism is not a liberal plot. The air and water are better now because something was done to curb pollution. Pollution wasn't going to go away all by itself. Addressing climate change isn't a liberal plot either. It's what we need to do to protect the planet we live on and the planet our children and grandchildren will inherit from us. The financial sector will adjust itself to the change. That's how capitalism works.
Higher wages (including the minimum wage) make the economy better. More income>more spending>more demand>more jobs. It's just that simple. The rich DO NOT "create" jobs because they have money...that's stupid. They add employees because there is a greater demand for products and services and they cut the workforce when demand is low.
Racism is bullshit. Poverty and crime are not about colour or ethnicity; they're due to lack of opportunity and disenfranchisement. We've had poverty and crime in inner cities and elsewhere for 150 years in the USA (longer in other parts of the world) involving one ethnic group or another. You'd think we'd understand the pattern by now. But it's easier for the racists and bigots to blame people who are not like them for their misfortune (real or perceived) and it's a convenient tool for governments that want to divide the population and scapegoat minorities. We've seen this before think we'd learn.
Guns are guns. They were designed to kill. Look it up... they're tools for killing. A weapon that is called an "assault" rifle and carries an extended magazine isn't for hunting. It isn't for target practice and it isn't for "protection". It's a weapon of war wielded by people who are paranoid and/or haters.
No, you won't need it when the minorities "rise up" or to defend yourself against your own army. That's bullshit. You will never be Rambo. Movies aren't real and conspiracy theories are nonsense. People like Alex Jones are liars and rabble-rousers who spread hatred and distrust. Don't be a sucker! We need gun control laws...We control motor vehicles, we should control guns.
Wall Street is a nice source of income. I have some stocks. But i also understand that people need to work to make money.....and they need to support themselves and their families. When the priority is to raise stock values and increase dividends instead of paying a living wage we're putting the cart before the horse. It's the worker who enables businesses to thrive, not the stock market; Wages first, then dividends....that's what works.
Healthcare is absolutely essential for EVERYONE. No one should be left to suffer and/or die because the price of health insurance is beyond their reach. We need AT LEAST a public option for those who can't afford premium health insurance.
Donald Trump would tell you that this is all lies and fake news. But if you actually look into it a bit it's all very apparent and logical.....Unless you cave to perceived self interest. In that case you've just joined the cult.
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