As the Trump presidency continues to implode, it might seem that we'll somehow be delivered from the dysfunction of misanthropic Republicanism. Alas...this is not to be. There appears to be a never-ending supply of ignorant miscreants to draw from on the right. Even with appointees and cabinet members dropping like dominoes, there still remains the prospect of a 4 year Republican administration.....and as if that weren't bad enough, we are also bestowed with a right wing controlled Congress and the possibility of a Republican appointed SCOTUS majority. Even were we to get Trump fired (Wouldn't that be irony?), we'd still have Pence in the Oval Office, which would be just about as bad. This man doesn't "believe" in climate change or evolution. How is that going to work out in a country that's supposed to be preeminent in science and technology? It's not.
Since impeachment of Orange Hitler would make little change other than putting a different ignorant ass in the hot seat, our next best hope is changing the balance of power in Congress in 2018.
So what are Democrats doing so far in that respect? Well.......mostly more of the same things that lost them the election in 2016. Crying about money in politics while begging for money, finger pointing at each other over the loss in the last election....and constantly bickering over who is the most Left of Center. Centrists have now overtaken Republicans among Progressives as the new devil. While Republicans close ranks and find common ground among their constituents, Democrats find ever more reasons for division.
It's time to close ranks and concentrate on dragging this country out of its decline into the Dark Ages! If you have any Progressive tendencies, this must be the first priority....After that we can split hairs and argue over whether Hillary had too many snarky emails or got paid too much money to give a speech....or if Bernie must be a racist because he's old and white. Right now, we have exactly one hope.....and that is reform of Congress. All the criticism and vilification of Trump is worthless if that doesn't happen in 2018.
Democrats and Progressive Independents....Unite and win in 2018!
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