Wednesday, December 28, 2016

It's time to get serious.....

As we proceed to what will likely be the most contentious presidential inauguration in history, it's plain to see Republicans and Democrats have learned nothing from this last election cycle. Republicans are still baiting haters with racism and trying to remove the very social programs that they themselves benefit from. Democrats are still crying "unfair" over the primaries and general election and clinging to their conspiracy theories.

All this does us exactly no good. Time to stop pissing and moaning about the media and big money (who played little, if any, part in the election's outcome). Time to stop posting memes about Melania's naked pics and Donald's hair and get down to what we're going to do about the coming policies that Republicans are going to push for in the next four years. When the dystopian bills start to come through Congress and Repubs try to reverse Roe v Wade, no one will give a rat's about snarky social media posts and why Bernie or Hillary lost. For gods' sake, Democrats, get your heads out of the sand. Stop the useless wars on GMOs and the anti-vaxxing nonsense and concentrate on the coming armageddon of Republican legislation that we will face as this administration comes to power.

Our priority now should be Congress, not the 2020 Presidential election (fercryinoutloud!). Reforming Congress in 2018 is our last chance to put the brakes on a Republican agenda running wild. Past voting turnout for Midterm elections has been absolutely embarrassing. It's as if we don't know how our government works. Let's get focused on what counts...This is for all the beans. PAY ATTENTION to what Republicans will be proposing in the next two years. Contact your Congressperson. One of the best ways to do that is by opening an account at POPVOX and voting there early and often. The votes and comments go directly to your Congressperson. There is no more important thing you can do right now than try to control Congressional authority. I see Republican voters using POPVOX constantly...the numbers there always favor them. Why is this? Instead of crying over the spilled milk of the 2016 election and posting the latest  Melania meme, MAKE YOUR VOICE HEARD WHERE IT COUNTS!

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