Dear Elon (Mr. Musk if you prefer),
I'll get right down to the nitty-gritty here and forgo the usual honourisms if you don't mind.
I understand that you've been harassed by many liberals recently, even after being a supporter of most liberal Democratic principals for years. I get it that you're annoyed (or supremely pissed off) by what seems to be a betrayal by the very people you thought were going to help you make the world a better place. I also accept that being an inventor and innovator brings with it the possibility of major becoming a multi-billionaire, in itself, shouldn't be held against you.
Going over to what amounts to the dark side of the force is, IMO, the last thing that you'd want to do. Republicans share none of your convictions and asperations. They don't "believe" in climate change. They have little use for space travel unless it can be weaponized and they, as a social entity, despise electric cars and green energy. Add to that the absolute dysfunction and criminality of the Trump regime and you have nothing less than neofascism.
This is not the camp you want to be in, no matter how badly liberals appear to treat you. I realize knee-jerk liberalism has taken over a large proportion of the Democratic party, but in the end they're still headed in the same direction you are.
An alternative might be (it was for me) to align yourself as an Independent. Support those who support you and your objectives and let the rest of the prattle roll off your back. I know it's hard to be on the right side of history while people are harassing you, but it seems to me to be the only logical option.
Think of all the great people who let themselves be seduced by anger, vengeance and dark politics; Marconi became a fascist, Von Braun a Nazi....even Henry Ford turned into an anti-Semite and paid lip service to Hitler! These actions tarnished forever all their great achievements and now history judges them accordingly.
Be better than your detractors.
Dump the Sith party and return to who you are; a free-thinking independent and visionary....It'll benefit both you and the rest of the world in the end.
Ok, Rant over.
In the immortal words of Ringo,
"Peace and Love",
Phil Rounds